Neural Network (WallpaperAccess)
You may find this a useful collection of links to online resources.
Organizations and Resources
- The German Studies Association (GSA) is the national and international association of scholars in all fields of German Studies. Its interests span the period from early times to the present Federal Republic of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.
- The Deutscher Germanistenverband (DGV) is the German association of scholars of Germanic Studies. (German)
- The Modern Language Association (MLA) hosts an annual convention and other meetings, works with related organizations, and sustains one of the finest publishing programs in the humanities.
- The Association of Departments of Foreign Languages (ADFL) is a central resource for the language and literature community in the United States and Canada. Approximately one thousand college and university departments are members.
- The German Studies Web provides access to scholarly resources in German Studies, including all German-speaking countries. It contains contributions from German Studies bibliographers nationwide.
- The Center of German and European Studies (CGES) is a consortium of the University of Madison-Wisconsin and the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. The CGES organizes conferences, workshops and lectures to provide new information and perspectives on major issues relating to Germany and Europe. germanistik.net Conference calendar, job openings, topics in German studies, scholarly journals
- The Germanic Research Web at Harvard University includes links to resources in arts and culture, history, language pedagogy, philosophy.
- The American Institute for Contemporary German Studies at Johns Hopkins University produces analyses of developments and trends in Germany, Europe and the United States and aims at creating new transatlantic networks.
- The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation) is the central, self-governing research funding organisation that promotes research at universities and other publicly financed research institutions in Germany.
- The Erlanger Liste - Germanistik im Internet provides information on Germanic Studies in the German-speaking countries and on research resources for Germanists.
- The Yiddish Book Center is a nonprofit organization working to recover, celebrate, and regenerate Yiddish and modern Jewish literature and culture
- The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research is a research institute, education and cultural organization, and a world-renowned library and archive dedicated to fostering knowledge of the ongoing story of Jewish life, with a focus on the history and culture of East European Jewry
- The Joyce Z. and Jacob Greenberg Center for Jewish Studies at the University of Chicago supports and nurtures dialogue among the many disciplines, scholars, and students engaged in Jewish Studies at the University.
- The Center for East European and Russian/Eurasian Studies at the University of Chicago supports programming related to the region, including Yiddish-oriented events, and hosts a resource library and blog.
Library and Reference
- The University of Chicago library's research guide for Germanic Studies offers many helpful links in one place, and it provides special access for UChicago students to paid resources like the MLA International Bibliography and the BDSL.
- The Bibliographie der deutschen Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft (BDSL) is the most important bibliographical source in Germanic Studies. The BDSL comprises world-wide coverage of published literature on the German language, literature and general Germanic studies. Open access search is available but limited.
- The MLA International Bibliography provides a classified listing and subject index for books and articles published on modern languages, literatures, folklore, and linguistics for paid subscribers (for UChicago students with a C-net ID).
- The University of Chicago library's research guide for Judaica and Hebraica (many resources are accessible only as paid subscribers, for example with a UChicago C-net ID).
- Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog is a "meta-catalog" that allows simultaneous searching of multiple library catalogs.
- Germanistik im Netz is a vitual research library for German language and literature. (German)
- The German National Library in Leipzig is central archival library and national bibliographic center for the Federal Republic of Germany.
- The Deutsche Internet Bibliothek is a cooperation of over ninety German public and research libraries and provides a vast link database, divided into twenty categories such as "law," "family," "history," or "literature." (German)
- The "hzb Werkzeugkasten" of the Hochschulbibliothekszentrum (HBZ) of North Rhine Westphalia provides a comprehensive annotated database of links relevant for research, such as article databases, bibliographies etc.
- The Zeitschriftendatenbank provides the opportunity to search the periodical held in German libraries. (German)
- Bibliotheken, Bücher und Berichte offers a comprehensive collection of academic library catalogs in the German-speaking countries. (German)
- The Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach is one of the most significant literary archives worldwide. (German)
- The Archivschule Marburg offers a list of archives in Germany, Europe and overseas. (German)
- The University of Chicago library's research guide for Jewish Studies offers many helpful links in one place, including information for researching and studying Yiddish language and culture.
- Resources in Yiddish Studies, a multi-part guide by Zachar M. Baker, offers and overview of research resources for the field of Yiddish Studies
- In geveb: A Journal of Yiddish Studies is an open-access digital forum for the publication of peer-reviewed academic articles, the translation of Yiddish texts the exchange of pedagogical materials, and a blog about Yiddish culture and research.
- The Yiddish Research Guide from the New York Public Library covers general resources, artiles and books, folklore, genealogy, linguistics, literature, music and dance, oral history, theater, film, readio, translation and student resources.
Literature Online
- Projekt Gutenberg and Zeno.org are large online collections of classic literature in German.
- The Deutsche Gedichtbibliothek strives to provide a complete catalogue of German-language poetry.
- The Digitale Bibliothek Deutscher Klassiker provides access to a premier collection of German literature (restricted access)
- The Edward Blank YIVO Vilna Online Collections offers digitized books and artifacts from YIVO's Vilna period.
- The digitized Yiddish texts from the Goethe Universitat in Frankfurt am Main includes about 800 16th to early 20th century Yiddish books.
- The Yiddish Book Center's website offers 11,000 searchable Yiddish books; also audio recordings of Yiddish writers, oral histories, and translations.
Monolingual Language Resources
- Digitales Wörterbuch (DWDS) Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache des 20. Jahrhunderts (German)
- Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm's Deutsches Wörterbuch (German)
- Online Etymology Dictionary English etymology
Bi- or Multilingual Language Resources
- canoo.net offeres a large variety of free online German language resources, including monolingual and bilingual dictionaries in several languages, word and sentence grammar, word formation rules, morphology, a linguistic glossary, spelling rules and spell checker.
- woerterbuch.info Online Dictionary German-English, ca. 750,000 entries
- dict.cc Online Dictionary German-English based on user contributions, ca. 500,000 entries (offers also synonyms)
- LEO Online Dictionary German-English, ca. 430,000 entries (offers also German-French and German-Spanish)
- Beolingus Online Dictionary German-English, ca 325,000 entries (offers also German-Spanish)
- odge Online Dictionary German-English, ca. 210,000 entries
- Ultralingua Online Dictionary, multiple languages, ca. 350,000 entries each
- Yiddish Dictionary Online, Yiddish-English
- UChicago also has a subscription to Englishyiddishdictionary.com.